JEE Previous Year Papers Download with Solutions





As soon as you start browsing the Internet, you realise that websites are filled with posts on 'How to prepare for JEE,' 'Tips to improve your JEE ranking,' 'How to prepare for JEE without coaching,' and so on. The claims are all true; there could be a number of ways to solve a problem and thus a number of ways to crack JEE. 

JEE previous year papers download helps Indians and NRIs students to prepare for JEE in a systematic manner.

We all know the basic method for carrying out the preparation, i.e. more self-study, effective coaching and commitment. But is it enough to excel and get a golden ticket to the IITs? There's a big difference between learning and performing.


Chris Bradford, the award-winning author, quotes, "Tomorrow 's victory is the practise of today." This is completely true of all JEE applicants who appear every year for the most sought-after engineering entrance exam.



Just as it's difficult for a surgeon to conduct a serious surgery without training for years, and for a soldier to fight his enemies without undergoing extreme mock drills, it's hard to perform well in JEE without solving JEE sample articles.


Solving the previous year's question paper or mock papers can be helpful in a variety of ways. Check below the top five benefits of practising JEE sample papers to ensure your ticket to the Glorious IITs.




Benefit 1: Improves Time Management Skills

Practicing JEE sample papers helps to familiarise students with the exam pattern. Let students take time-bound tests to help them decide how much time they spend on average to solve a question. 





Download JEE mains sample paper pdf often help prevent circumstances where students can be trapped for several minutes to consider a single low-scoring question and thereby ignore other high-scoring questions. 


By measuring their actual speed, students will develop their time management skills and perform well on a D-day basis. Sample test series help to develop a winning test temperament.




Benefit 2: Checks Level of Preparation

Once you have finished the syllable of Class XII, you can start your practise from the papers of the last years. You can verify your level of preparation for the JEE exam by practising mock papers. 


It also lets you gain a strong grip on the subject, speed up writing the exam, and awareness of strong and weak areas. Daily practise leads to frequent monitoring of your results. Sample papers and test series are now readily accessible on smartphone-based evaluation applications that students can access on-the-go.




Benefit 3: Builds Speed & Accuracy

Kushal Babel, JEE toppr of 2014, who received 345 marks out of 360, also believes in the solution of as many samples as possible in order to achieve a good pace. 


He shares, "I set a time limit to solve questions in order to learn and practise time management. I used to solve almost 50-60 mathematical questions a day, and with the days advancing, I was quick to solve questions.








Pace and precision are crucial aspects of ace the exam cleverly, and they come from the comprehensive experience of similar issues. 


JEE previous year papers with solutions increase the speed, and you take relatively less time to complete the paper. Coaching experts also suggest that students must practise a sufficient number of MCQs in order to develop pace and accuracy.




Benefit 4: Aids to Get Rid of the Exam Fear

Yes, this is the main aim of the sample test documents. Students are always so afraid to face the entrance exam that they end up getting the easy questions wrong. 





When you solve sample test papers on a regular basis, the fear of an exam is gone. The D-Day exam paper could also seem like just another test series mock exam, where you can apply all your tactics and score the highest scores.



Benefit 5: Boosts Confidence

According to coaching experts, the resolution of previous years' papers gives you confidence and improves your test disposition. Solving more and more questions within a defined timeframe is a must in order to achieve a real test temperament and a sense of self-assurance. 

The more papers you solve, the higher your chances of completing the paper on time.





Competitive examinations such as JEE require more than merely memorising concepts and practising questions. It's because in nature, the questions are rarely clear. In such a situation, it's always beneficial to opt for sample papers to score good marks and get started on your dream journey to the IITs.


All the best for your IIT JEE preparation.



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